These treatments are good for:
Wood therapy
Originating from Asia centuries ago, Wood Therapy is rapidly becoming a popular choice for body contouring.
Wood therapy restructures fatty tissues, loosens tight muscles and is effective in smoothing out cellulite. By releasing these toxins, wood therapy can help to jumpstart a client’s metabolism rate in order to burn fat. We offer an accredited training programme to teach you how to perform wood therapy treatments for your clients. The course includes a full kit including tools for the face as well as the body!
- water weight reduction,
- post surgery swelling,
- immune boosting
- improving circulation.
Total course cost is
available on request.
& After
See what our students have to say:
”I advertised my new business venture on my insta story and added to my booking system at 10pm last night laying in bed & woke up to 4 bookings this morning x